Today’s buyers are doing their own sales research. And they are making purchase-related decisions while looking at your website. Adding these videos to your business website will help you be the company they trust when it’s time to buy.
It’s no secret that video has become an extremely important element to most successful marketing plans. In fact, you’ve probably come across a dozen blog articles encouraging readers to invest in video and to hurry up and “start rolling now!”
However, what these blog posts fail to mention is what, exactly, should you be filming. It’s already stressful enough to put yourself in front of the camera, now you have to come up with original content that will move the needle? Sounds stressful. Fear not, we’re here to help.
It’s true, video is currently the most consumable form of media and, yes, the average person does walk around with a high-quality camera in their pocket or handbag – so the barriers to entry are very low. But what good is this information if you don’t have a video content plan in place?
To help you strategically plan your video marketing plan, we’ve compiled a list of the Top Seven video concepts that can benefit most organizations.
#1 Common Buyer Questions
Every sales team has a shortlist of questions that they answer on a regular basis. In fact, most team members probably have their answers memorized. These FAQs are typically the initial questions that new customers feel they have to get out of the way first before they start to earnestly consider making a purchase.
By publicly sharing these questions and answers on video, you can avoid the tedious initial conversations and jump to the serious part of the sales conversation.
#2 – Meet The Team / Bio Videos
Let’s be honest, meeting new people can be uncomfortable and it is often a situation that a lot of people avoid. Unlike a phone call or email, video has the power to establish an immediate and personal connection with audiences, from the comfort of their home. By crafting an informal video that introduces your team to the world in a simple and entertaining way, viewers can start that getting-to-know-you process before actually meeting you. With video, you can replace those uncomfortable encounters with a memorable and fun video experience.
Start with your team members who are the most client-facing and tuck the videos in their email footers and on the company bio page. Don’t be afraid to have fun with these, customers will respond to your positivity.
#3 Product / Process Videos
Simply put, video is the simplest and most effective method to communicate important information about your products. Hi-Def, Dolby Digital, instantly accessible information at the click of a button, what’s not to love?
A well-curated website and carefully crafted text are still valuable, but when it comes to competing with viewers’ dwindling attention spans, nothing beats a well-crafted product video. By providing an informative video you relieve the burden on your page visitor. They’re no longer hunting for information because you laid it out there in the most consumable way possible.
#4 Virtual Tours
In these complicated times where health and safety are paramount, people are eager to find alternative ways to experience new places and find personal connections.
If your organization values the customer experience and is eager to welcome new customers to your location, a virtual tour video is a perfect way to establish an immediate connection.
Whether you are a long-standing establishment or have recently opened, virtual tours allow customers to explore your facility at their own pace. This will also help manage expectations and set the tone, as it is the most accurate way to show what your location looks and feels like.
#5 Cost & Price
No one enjoys wasting a lot of time searching for a price-tag. The longer visitors have to search your website for a figure, the more annoyed and turned off towards your organization they become.
Furthermore, no one wants to be kept in the dark about what they’re getting for their money. Customers want quality assurance. They are eager to learn about your process, how the product is made and what factors inform the price. Not only does it help them accept a higher cost but it may also give them a sense of pride that what they are purchasing is of the highest caliber.
By creating a short, succinct pricing video you remove the mystery of your cost structure and provide insight into your business process. It’s like watching a professional chef prepare an amazing meal. The food tastes better and we understand why it may cost more than the average dinner. When we get to know someone we learn to trust their expertise.
#6 Testimonial & Reviews
What’s the first thing you do before trying a new restaurant? Check the reviews, of course. Testimonials allow your potential customers to hear positive feedback about your product or service and, more importantly, they get to hear it from someone who is not on your payroll.
What better way to instill confidence than by hearing it from a satisfied customer in a short and to-the-point testimonial video?
#7 Walking The Walk
In this dog-eat-dog world it’s important to stand out from the rest of the pack. If your messaging includes phrases such as… “Best Customer Service”, “Top of the line products” or “World Class…anything.” You need to back up those claims with clear and tangible proof of value.
Go beyond the big words and provide your customers with an impressive video that gives them a peak behind the curtain.
Think of it as show and tell. Take the time to organize a list of all the impressive things your organization tells the public and then decide how you can show them.
Perhaps it is highlighting your amazing service staff, or showing the impressive equipment you have in action. Whatever your claims are, the proof is in the pudding and people want to see how it’s made.