Your Tourism & Hospitality Marketing Needs Video (Here’s Why)

Although video in the marketing world has been used successfully, it’s still something that business owners and managers need convincing to use. A recent survey showed that 77% of businesses said they plan to use video in their marketing this year and 90% of business owners see video as important to the success of their business or organization. So, what are you waiting for? Video can be an extremely helpful tool in your marketing arsenal and if used correctly, can help get you seen by more people and generate more revenue. What better industry to use video on than hospitality?
Here’s how to use video effectively in your marketing!
The WHY: Visual marketing is powerful
People have been programmed by evolution to respond strongly to imagery. Anyone who has watched television or surfed a website knows that pictures grab our attention. We recall them better than text, and we process them faster. In fact, 90% of your brain is visual – so it’s no surprise that consumers respond well to images and video. By showcasing the unique characteristics that make your business stand out, you are immersing your audience in a powerful and meaningful way.
Video Ideas For Hotels & Inns
- Employee Spotlight
- Virtual Tours
- Show The Region
- Behind The Scenes
Video Ideas For Restaurants
- Video Menu (use QR code)
- Show How A Meal Is Made
- Highlight The Chef
- Answer Common Questions
The HOW: Choose your media wisely
Video is just one tool in your media kit, so don’t rely on it alone. Regardless of how much money and time you spend creating videos, your customers aren’t going to sit through more than a minute of anything boring. On average, people are capable of paying attention to video content for only about 55 seconds before becoming disengaged, so it’s important to be both succinct and engaging if you want your video content to get results. A restaurant for example might benefit from a video that captures the chef making the nightly special or a hotel chain might entice prospective guests by showing the sunny pool-side cabanas.
The WHEN: Timing matters
When you post your video is just as important as what you’re posting. According to ReelSEO, videos posted on Wednesdays between 1-3 p.m. get nearly double the views of those posted at any other time during the week. On Tuesdays, videos in that same window get nearly one and a half times more views than usual.
In conclusion – What have we learned?
People remember visuals, not words. The eye is able to process visual information quickly, in a way that it can’t with text. A combination of text and video allows you to get your point across more quickly and effectively than through text alone. In fact, over 90% of a person’s brainpower is used up trying to make sense of what they’re seeing on-screen.